学术报告三 题 目 : Paperbook: Design and Implementation 主 讲 : 王新兵 教授 报告摘要 :
In this paper, we conceptualize and design a novel academic system, paperbook or AceMap, to analyze the big scholarly data and present the results through a “map" approach. AceMap integrates several algorithms in the eld of network analysis and data mining, and then displays the information in a clear and intuitive way, aiming to help the researchers facilitate their work. After describing the big picture, we present achieved results and our work in progress. By far, AceMap has implemented the following functions: dynamic citation network display, paper clustering, academic genealogy, author and conference homepage, etc. We have also designed and performed distributed network analysis algorithms in a cutting-edge Spark system and utilized modern visualization tools to present the results. Finally, we conclude our paper by proposing the future outlooks. 主讲人简介 :
Xinbing Wang received the B.S. degree (with hons.) in Automation from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 1998, the M.S. degree in computer science and technology from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2001, and the Ph.D. degree with a major in electrical and computer engineering and minor in mathematics from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, in 2006. Currently, he is a Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, and Department of Computer Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. Dr. Wang has been an Associate Editor for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, and ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. He has also been the Technical Program Committees of several conferences including ACM MobiCom 2012,2014, ACM MobiHoc 2012-2017, IEEE INFOCOM 2009-2017.